The Bible shows us, that each must find your own trail to finding God's most valued treasure... His loving Heaven living in your heart as His Spirit's Holy of Holies, living Temples of His mercy, light, and love.
What is our loving God's ways for us? What type of kingdom is he building in our hearts, and on our earth,
if we let His heart guide ours?
Our Father of Lights gives us freedom to choose darkness, and to allow Satan to entice Father's heart's most precious children,
away from trusting His love, and glory.
So what does God's word say God's kingdom and Satan's kingdom looks like. We have to know so we can make a wise choice.
At this time, God is asking us to decide.
How can God bless that life that intends to destroy itself or others?
God only gives us one way to obtain Heaven...His name is Jesus.
The Father gives us one choice, because it is the only choice that will bring our souls, the Father knows so well, true happiness.
God's way Satan's way
love love of money
spiritual physical
hope and joy despair, hopelessness
worship only Bible's Jesus, only Son of God worship satan, gods, fake Jesus
communicate direct to our loving God witchcraft, rituals, symbols, things, dead
humble prideful, superiority
mutual respect mutual condemnation
pro life-protect innocent pro abortion, kill innocent
charity, joyful giving greed, selfishness
individual liberty individual enslavement child protector child predator/destroyer
equal justice (freedom from oppression) no justice/victims
peace war, amass wealth by death
life death
build, multiply, protect destroy
truth lies
openness secrecy
prosper steal, loss brotherhood hate
individual empowerment oppression
marriage commitment sex outside marriage
courage being afraid government of, for, by people weaponized govt for elite's money/power